The Last Two (2) Weeks of December 2020

Louisa Oliveros
4 min readJan 1, 2021


Easy: Respect the constitutional rights of all Americans.

Photo by Ajay Parthasarathy on Unsplash

After publishing The First Two (2) Weeks of December 2020”, I thought I would not write any more about this topic, since I am very upset about what is happening in Washington, but to my surprise, I need to do so.

I imagined that once “T.” went to Florida for vacations and each of the Congressmen and Senators returned home to spend Christmas with their families, we would have a quiet time without hearing unpleasant news or attacks among political forces.

I was absolutely wrong.

Not a single day has passed without reading “T.’s” insistence that the Republicans annul the election result and give him a second term in office; that they have stolen his victory, because he won “BIG”, . . . and other crazy stuff. The day he didn’t speak, some of his friends were still litigating with the story of electoral fraud, and others were threatening to challenge the count on January 6, when the full Congress must announce the new president. Another one even started a litigation to restrict the prominence or power of the current Vice-president to tip the balance and “undo” the elections -Pence himself had any intention whatsoever in doing anything against the Law.

The news has shown so much nonsense it has been impossible for me to avoid getting angry many times and start cursing the lack of decency of people who, if they call themselves “leaders”, should set an example with their actions. But they don’t. Those of us who are strangers to Politics have witnessed the second part of a depressing spectacle.

If in the first part we saw how “T.” stirred up when he realized he had lost the elections, and tried by all means to annul the results by asking for votes to be thrown out, shouting and lying, or pressuring the governors and judges of the states to sentence there had been “widespread fraud” -without the slightest evidence of it-, the second part has been even worse.

A check had been agreed upon to alleviate the financial stress of families, set at $600 for each working adult. The President did not feel like signing it before he left, and only did so after much criticism and a long delay, which is not known whether because he did not agree, or because he expected the unemployment benefit to expire for most. Once signed, he changed his mind and asked Congress for a check for $2,000 per person.

It all seems very strange. Was there some hidden reason or was the situation already prepared?

There another sinister character entered the scene — the president of the Senate. Once the $600 was approved, the bureaucratic machinery was set in motion to send the checks, but he flatly refused to process the $2,000 the current president “very kindly” granted.

It is all a blatant manipulation, since it is obvious the head of the Senate hopes to make political capital out of this situation with the Democratic Party. And the people? Do they have the slightest intention of alleviating the needs and suffering of the people affected by Covid19 , not only in the medical aspect, but also in the economic aspect?

I sincerely doubt it. And if they are not going to renew unemployment benefits, that late check for $600 can be interpreted as a perverse handout.

In the face of such a demonstration of total indifference to the American people — both their own supporters and those who did not vote for them — it is hard to believe those two (2) individuals can be called human beings.

I was struck by a report on TV about the fortunes of senators — almost all of them are millionaires. Then, next to it, there was a legend saying, “They think you don’t need the $2,000” !!

For the first time in the history of the United States, we are witnessing an attempted coup d’état — for the moment, a verbal one — by a President who refuses to leave his post, relying on other politicians from his party, making up lies, and repeating like a mantra there has been fraud, no matter how clear it is that “T.” lost in Georgia by twelve thousand (12,000) votes, in Wisconsin by almost 21 thousand (20,670), in Pennsylvania by almost 82 thousand (81,660), something more or less similar in Arizona, Minnesota, Nevada, Michigan, etc. — nationally by 7 million votes. All this is already certified in all the States of the Union.

What will it happen on January 6th?

May God help America come out of this difficult test threatening our democracy. I have already commented to my friends to pray and keep on praying, because only Divine Justice can solve such evil.

I have this habit in my life: when I realize everything is so black it is impossible for me to handle unless I resort to actions I would never do, then I turn to God to manifest whatever is his Divine Plan, knowing I cannot see the whole picture and perhaps our Creator Father/Mother has other plans. In these cases, I surrender, I give myself totally to His Will, and without further thought, I accept whatever comes.

Now, the same. For me, the solution to these problems is in the hands of God and may His Will be done.

So be it.



Louisa Oliveros
Louisa Oliveros

Written by Louisa Oliveros

Bilingual English-Spanish Teacher, Content Writer, Translator, and Proofreader. Solopreneur.

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