The First Two (2) Weeks Of December

Louisa Oliveros
7 min readDec 20, 2020


An embarrassing spectacle in America.

Photo by Taofeek Obafemi-Babatunde on Unsplash

When I wrote my story “I Have a Dream . . My American Dream”, I mentioned that I hoped more and more women would enter Congress to balance the dirty male energy, so negative and destructive. Well, I was hoping to reach 50 percent, but the increase was till 25 percent. That’s something. Hopefully women will continue to enter Politics until that very much desired 50 percent can be achieved.

It will come.

After the elections.

Going on with the election theme, I wanted to write this story last week, but I waited for the Electoral College to declare Joseph Biden’s victory untouchable. Finally, today, December 14th the horizon cleared and the Democrat was named President-Elect.

But what happened between November 3rd -Election Day- and today?

We have seen a hysteric man not to accept his defeat, whose arrogance did not allow him to see reality and was convinced that once again, as he did in 2016, he would deceive American voters. But no, he did not succeed. Americans have realized his authoritarianism, his contempt for the law, his desire to impose his ideas at all costs, and his habit of buying whoever is for sale, so as to do what he wants to achieve his bid. In other words, to obtain his goals by breaking the law. For this, he needs lawyers or friends who do what is possible to avoid being found guilty and going to jail.

I have to admit that I was a little scared. America in a power struggle situation, once everybody has already voted and each State has counted the ballots? No, this is not possible. We are not in Africa, where dictators are capable of stealing elections or staging a coup.

Not only did “T.” stir up like a wounded animal, the worst thing is that he started talking about invalidating the votes. He did not want to accept States which voted for him in 2016 had abandoned him, and therefore they didn’t elect him. So, . . . very easy . . . to annul the votes, throw them away, not certify the elections, and ask all his friends to go to the judges to seal his victory.

Poor thing! Of course, it was logical he would react like that, since he spent the four years of his presidency removing honest judges and bringing in his “loyals” -huum, let’s say “loose to apply the law” ones. The first clash was with Republican governors from four key states to get them to throw votes. He couldn’t. The votes were counted anew. Biden was the winner again. Everything was correct, and the election officials were not intimidated and firmly refused to do anything illegal.

“T.” ‘s team began to file complaints of election fraud with the courts, but when the judges asked for the evidence, they could not find it. So where was the fraud? Nowhere. There was no fraud. The judges in all the States dismissed the lawsuits they filed in their entirety.

During those weeks, some representatives or senators did not open their mouths to speak either for or against the outcome. They waited for the events to unfold. States certified the votes and lawsuits were rejected.


When everything seemed more or less calm, the Governor of Texas emerged with the feverish idea of taking another trial to the Supreme Court, adding the signatures of more governors, representatives, senators and attorneys general of those States, all of them Republicans.

The Texas Governor’s gamble was well thought out: since “T.” had appointed conservative judges to the Supreme Court, it was clear he would win the lawsuit. Here they were in for another surprise. They crashed against a concrete wall, as the Supreme Court replied unanimously in a few hours it would not see that litigation, shelving the matter.

The most laughable thing was that the Governor of Texas threatened the secession of his State -the largest in the Union- from the United States of America. What do you think, Lincoln?

Today, finally, as I said before, the Electoral College declared Joe Biden’s victory without incident. By now, I have read many Congressmen and Senators, plus other Republicans, have acknowledged Biden’s victory, but others -including “T.”- are still frustrated and in the battlefield.

With all this we have to say openly that our democracy has been threatened by a group of sinister people, ready to change the rules of coexistence and install a dictatorship. But, . . . in the United States of America?

It’s hard to believe this is happening in America. In fact, this is the first time in the history of this country that such an action has taken place.

Shameful performance.

And while this was happening, what? I would say … what a spectacle!

An unbecoming show for a democratic country !! Much less one is supposed to be the symbol of freedom, which has the dubious title of “the most advanced democracy in the world”. Uff. . . until now.

A depressing spectacle! America has lost its credibility as a world power in the eyes of many people. And even less, as a moral and world peace guarantor.

Will the Republican Party dare to criticize Maduro’s abuses in Venezuela, or those of Castro’s Cuba?

And, what about the animality of the North Korean dictator, who executes whomever he wants and when it suits him?

And what about the almost 20 years that Czar Putin has been in power in Russia?

And the arrest of human rights activists in Saudi Arabia; and the struggles of women to be who they want to be, some of them in jail?

Can America really criticize anyone, when “T.” has spent 4 years praising all the dictators on the planet, while he has moved away from Western democracies? Unfortunately, in the eyes of the world, America has lost moral strength. Before, it was preached by example; now, it has lowered itself to the level of the most backward countries with respect to elections and human rights.

Very sad! And it has all been because the Republicans, reluctant at first, let themselves be dragged into the populism of a showman and cold businessman, who never had the slightest experience in Politics, and who entered it looking for power and money to develop his international projects, and thus to manage the country as if it were his own company -that is, without taking anyone into account.

Drawing conclusiones.

For me there are three (3) things have become clear after the elections :

1. The bewilderment of the Republican Party realizing that when they don’t suppress votes, they lose the elections. We now understand the aversion of “T.” and his acolytes to voting by mail. This time, the will of blacks, Hispanics, Hindus, etc., has decided the outcome. The decision of a large part of the American citizens has been final. This time, YES. The postal vote avoided the tricks they are always inventing to suppress votes do not interest them. The pandemic helped.

2. The wonderful Chris Krebs has acted as an extraordinary professional without partisan tendencies, and consequently he did everything possible for the elections would not be affected by external agents. “T.” understood this quickly, as he fired Krebs as soon as he learned many more people had voted than in 2016 and the result was adverse to him.

3. It is clear the United States of America has also clean politicians, who -when the time comes — agree they are in office, because they have sworn to the Constitution of this country and must comply with the law. This has been evident in the reaction of the Republican governors and prosecutors who did not allow themselves to be bought or pressured, and acted under the law at all times. This gives us confidence that in a critical situation of attack on democracy (as now) or on the country, we will always have honest people like Lincoln, who will know how to lead the Union in the right direction.

What moral lesson can we understand from these 3 situations? Each person has to think with their head and draw their own conclusions.

Let us hope that Joe Biden will restore confidence in our electoral system, in our desires for PEACE and PROSPERITY, within FREEDOM and HUMAN RIGHTS; and the world will continue to know of our open and unmitigated condemnation of anything that goes against our customs and the glorious Constitution of this country.

I can’t wait for January 20th to come, for us to return to peace and moderation, to the inclusion of all, regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Somebody said: “There is only a race: the human race.”

Some years ago I read a story called “The Third Episode of George Washington’s Vision”. I don’t have it handy, but I am going to look it up and write about it. I read it in an esoteric book and it taught me that before America can find her way, her true spiritual path, she has to remove the leeches are extracting positive energy from Her, and consequently, slowing her down in her evolution.

All Americans are aware this sinister force will continue to try to enter the soul of every honest and sincere person, to make them dishonest and hypocritical in exchange for money. With Biden’s victory, that evil energy will no longer be able to make decisions for America and the world, and that will be a good thing.

Nevertheless, the struggle will continue, until the most evolved young people can eliminate that indecent and outdated generation, which no longer has anything to say, but whose arrogance does not allow them to say goodbye and go home to rest … so that we can press the accelerator and place ourselves in the high-speed lane of History.

God bless America forever.



Louisa Oliveros
Louisa Oliveros

Written by Louisa Oliveros

Bilingual English-Spanish Teacher, Content Writer, Translator, and Proofreader. Solopreneur.

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