We Have Politicians We Cannot Trust

Louisa Oliveros
6 min readDec 2, 2020


Four (4) years of scandals and lies.

Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

I have to accept that until Joe Biden takes office I will not be at peace, because after many years, and once the elections in America finished, it is the first time we have to accept there is a bunch of corrupt people in Politics who only want to demean the people, who they think are utter idiots.

Why does Trump say that the electoral college will announce who the President is, and then he will leave the White House? If Biden has won the election by more than 6 million votes, and it has been proven that there was no fraud, what more does it take for the electoral college to announce that Biden is the winner?

The tall tales people from the Trump campaign bring to the courts to get votes counted, to get ballots thrown out, to get groups investigated, to . . . are absurd to say the least. We are in a case where a person in Office does not accept being the loser, nor his “important and efficient” campaign managers. The first, because he did not expect the American people would send him to hell for being corrupt and arrogant. The second, because they have realized that no matter what they have thought up and worked on, the people did not listen to them.

Still, legal complaints and litigation are being invented, as if reality could be changed — judges have dismissed all lawsuits as there is not the slightest hint of a crime.

So, now what? Ah, to continue “fighting”; to play the victim of others … those who voted for whom they wanted, of course; to threaten many things can happen before January 20th, etc. What are they forging to tell us one day, that another Venezuelan or Cuban -perhaps a Martian- came from some strange place to manipulate the votes? Perhaps a coup d’état?

I wonder how Trump thought he would win re-election.

Did he think American people did not notice all his dirty moves, aimed at making this country his personal “Trump Organization”? Did he contemplate we would forget how in an international meeting he discredited the FBI and the CIA -who do their utmost to keep this country safe even putting their lives at risk-, and said that he trusted more what Putin told him than our National Security agencies? Did he imagine no one heard his praise of the dictators of Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc., while he cooled relations with the Western democracies?

Whose side is he on?

He has spent 4 years changing trials against him to other courts to turn a blind eye to all his violations of the law. He has also removed judges from their jobs who were known for their integrity and replaced them with others “loyal to him”. He has complained about the Russian investigation, harshly insisting that it was a “witch-hunt”, but the “hunt” resulted in many prosecutions and imprisonments. Since then, he has forgiven those he loved as if they were also poor victims -I would say traitors.

In addition, his financial and business life and miracles have been investigated by distinguished journalists and famous writers, in whose books it has been made very clear that had he not paid many “loyal” lawyers, he would have been in jail long ago.

To all that garbage we must add his “wonderful” private life — extramarital relationships with porn artists (!!), groping every girl he met, sexual assaults, hiring prostitutes, and . . . other graces. If he thought the decent American people were going to swallow and then forget all this filth, he was clearly wrong and now he has paid the invoice for it.

Mr. Trump thinks American people are stupid and would settle for an individual who has a personal and financial life full of secret and dishonest activities, lies, immoral situations and legal attitudes more befitting gangters or the Italian or Russian mafia than the typical moderate, law-abiding American man, like Joseph Biden.

A lie that affected everyone: he told us that we would pay less taxes, right? But when the month of April arrived, actually we had to pay more, because what he didn’t mention was that he had lowered the percentage to be paid, ok, but taking away deductions we had before.

That reminded me of a story told by a Trump driver, I read in a magazine. The man said one day he asked the current President for a pay raise because of the long hours he was waiting to drive him home at night, and Trump said yes. When he paid his salary including the raise, he told him that he would no longer be paying for his health insurance. In other words, there really was no increase.

Such a story demonstrates the stinginess and lack of sensitivity of a extremely rich person to the people who work for him.

With Americans he did the same. People who had deductions for children or other reasons saw these eliminated and had to pay up to $500 more. There were cases of middle-class families, who even got some amount returned to them by the government each year, who were forced to pay hard-to-find amounts. In other words, “the tax cut” took many people so off guard, they had to go into debt to pay the tax authorities.

After that, did Mr. Trump really expect the American people would vote for him as in 2016, when they did not yet know his dishonesty? It should also be mentioned that even though he got the necessary electoral votes in 2016, he lost the popular vote to Hillary Rhodam Clinton by 3 million ballots.

Did he really believe it? What arrogance!! Especially if we consider the 2018 mid-term election setback, where he lost control of the House of Representatives.

I have heard cases of men who have come home one day and their wife and children were not there anymore, and when they found out she had abandoned him and asked for a divorce, they played the victim and tried -unsuccessfully- to get their family back. Did they think acting like bastards they would keep the family they don’t deserve?

I believe the patience of people, as well as that of wives, runs out; and they end up leaving behind negative situations not convenient for peace and coexistence.

On one of these days, I received from Europe a phrase written by Voltaire, which I reproduce:

“There are stages when arrive at Politics men without scruples to direct men without memory”.

Well, the History of Europe assures this has happened several times in every single country, and a period had to be repeated with much pain.

I wish Americans to keep the memory of these four (4) years, in case (after Biden) any politician wants to return to populism, to lies, to reiterations about being the victims of something or someone for others to believe, all with the aim of generating division, discord, violence and anger.

At this point, honestly, I don’t think anyone halfway smart would buy the lie about the possibly of election fraud, since all the counties where Mr. Trump had his doubts have been checked, and therefore he and his acolytes have had to accept the facts within the law.

I believe it is the wish of all men and women of good will in the United States, Joseph Biden can unify the country within the American traditions of peace, freedom, decency, family, good manners, etc. During the last four years, I have heard many people say: “Oh, God, this is not the country I have always known”. Some foreigners or long-time immigrants have expressed the same opinion.

I include myself among men and women of good will, and I want to live again in the country I have always lived and felt full of good habits and manners.

So be it!



Louisa Oliveros
Louisa Oliveros

Written by Louisa Oliveros

Bilingual English-Spanish Teacher, Content Writer, Translator, and Proofreader. Solopreneur. louisa.free@outlook.com

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