The Universal Truths On The Spiritual Path.
Although some people think otherwise, the spirituality of Humanity is now much higher.
After writing about various topics, I have decided to comment about what meta-physicists or metaphysicians call “the Reality”; that is, the eternal beliefs to live a spiritual life, which does not create problems and makes us happy. I have been in the esoteric world for many years and have accumulated enough knowledge to be able to transmit it.
How to begin?
For centuries, deep, authentic spiritual knowledge was in the Mystery Schools and other occult groups or secret societies, where only those whose spiritual level was much higher than the common denominator of Humanity could enter. There have always been people more advanced than others and when the time was right, they would “by chance” find someone to continue evolving.
The knowledge thus imparted was considered secret and individual, and the Masters who gave it were superior beings nobody knew. These schools were usually in places away from the human bustle, and once their function was over, their students were scattered to various parts of a country . . . or the world.
Now it is no longer so. The Masters opened the doors of the esoteric, spiritual, occult teachings, or whatever you want to call them, saying something like: “Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, let them see and hear; and those who do not, let them pass by”. Why? Because at this very moment we are in a stage of “final exams”.
Humanity is reaching a crossroads, since the values illuminated our Western Civilization during the last 80 years no longer serve us for anything, and -it is obvious- people are starting to look for new ways, like going to live in the countryside or in small cities to have more contact with Nature; or working on the Internet, and thus eliminate the dependence of being rooted in a place; simplifying their life and their needs, etc. There are also those who take less positive paths.
The truth is that the social changes, plus the adjustments we have all had to make in our lives due to the pandemic, are pushing us. The actual fact is that we are in a moment where everything is looking for a new, different path.
If we observe the evolution of Humanity during the last 80 years mentioned above, we realize we have had a meteoric development in some aspects -technology, comfort, medicine and life expectancy-, but we have not paid attention to other facets we could call culture, kindness, respect for others, detachment from material things, true love, altruism, etc. We do everything with the mind, not with the heart. This has left us unbalanced; and not finding the same open doors we had before, is producing anxiety, bitterness, rebellion and violence.
Reading the world news, both on the Internet or in the newspapers, we find a kind of collective madness (sheer stupidity) is permeating all walks of life, and it takes a lot of grounding in God and within ourselves not to get into personal crises and avoid harmful courses -read: alcohol, drugs, illegal situations, or . . . to get into a place and start shooting, … Does this sound familiar?
That is the reason I have become empathetic to youth. What materialistic roads have we traveled to get to these leaders, who lie to us cynically and advocate only for what is convenient for them? Lies, corruption, the lust for power for the sake of power itself; in other words, the power to impose their opinions on others and enrich themselves in every possible way.
The radical changes of course in History are always challenging phases for the people who have to live that time, where we learn the hard way (suffering) the new concepts with which we will live next cycle, while we discard what no longer serves us.
At this moment we lack spirituality at all levels of the Being. We are accustomed to see the outside, what impresses, what seems, with the attention on how to obtain everything material to satisfy our ego and not to see beyond.
Is there anything else beyond?
Let’s see what the esoteric books say, once hidden, but today we have them all in any bookstore. Although difficult to read, I always go to Helen Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine, though there are many others.
There is a universal knowledge, there, in front of our eyes, but to be grasped we need to see with the soul. The History of Humanity reveals that during its evolution, God has spoken to his children in a language they can see and understand, and if not, there are always written rules to keep them within established limits.
The Neanderthals would not have comprehended the concept of God, Western democracy, or the Christian religion; let alone the Universal Mind, the Solar System and the Galaxy of which we are a part. Today we may laugh at the various political systems and different religions which supported them -or vice versa-, but they have been totally necessary as the human mind advanced. God does not make mistakes. Life is perfect.
Personally, by studying Metaphysics I found answers to the thousands of questions I asked myself about God, churches, men, women, the handicapped people, criminals, heaven, hell, etc., and all the whys and wherefores I wondered about.
I will mention some universal truths we can find in all spiritual books, occult or not.
What is God?
God is not an old man sitting on a cloud watching over Humanity. God is the cosmic masculine-feminine energy existing in the whole Universe. God is All-That-Is, from the densest energy to the most spiritual one. Outside of God, there is nothing. The whole Universe has the same scale form as our body. That is why we are made in the image and likeness of God. Each planet, solar system or galaxy are the organs of that great body. And everything works perfectly.
The Earth, the Solar System, the Milky Way (our galaxy) have their cycles and all are evolving within their Divine Plan. On Earth the cycles are 2,500 years (more or less), when our planet faces a sign of the Zodiac. Each sign has its energy, some potentiate masculinity and others femininity, because that is what human evolution requires at that moment. Neither of the two energies can evolve alone for a long time. The Cosmic Law requires it. The sign Pisces brought the full expansion of the masculine energy, and now the sign Aquarius will see the full and complete growth of all the feminine facets. Until the masculine-feminine balance is reached, Humanity will not be able to move forward.
Human Beings
God creates souls from the beginning of time to assist in His Divine Plan of perfection for the Universe. All souls He-She creates will fulfill their mission, no matter how long it takes. No one can do another being’s Divine Plan. Those souls will split in two -the Twin Rays or Twin Souls- upon entering manifestation, and will develop their individual Divine Plan until they come together as a perfect masculine-feminine whole.
Human beings do not create souls. God created them many centuries ago, and distributes them where they are meant to be. We human beings only put our body so the souls embody through a man and a woman for the evolution of a family or group or country. Each one has his or her lesson to learn, totally personal and individual. As in school, if we learn, we pass to the next course; if not, we have to repeat the experience (a life). And so on and on until we reach perfection as human beings.
After the human archetype is reached, there is still a lot to learn, each time with more responsibility and more knowledge. I guess nobody thinks it is the same to lead a family or a country, than a planet, a solar system or a galaxy, right?
It is crazy to think God gives us only one chance, and if we make mistakes (because we don’t have knowledge), then He-She sends us to hell forever. Horror! Who can imagine such an intransigent and merciless God? No, of course not. We are granted many opportunities. God –all Love- only says to us: “Stand up, my child, and try again.”
The possibility of rectifying and learning new lessons, in addition to making us responsible for our lives, also causes us to see clearly the evolutionary reason of seeming injustices of life. When we are in a difficult situation, the right thing to do is to ask: “God, what do I have to learn?”. Thinking life is unfair to us and playing the victim is a stupid way to extend our learning time.
In all religions there is this great truth: “Everyone reaps what he sows”.
The Races.
That which we call the races -white, black, brown, red, yellow- are levels of physical evolution. In all races there are spiritually super-evolved people who have reached human perfection, and therefore, no longer have to take a physical body of any color, but from the other side of life help a people or nation to overcome their limitations. Sometimes they have to embody to do an important job.
All races have karma to overcome -be it physical, energetic, emotional or mental. It is unwise to despise people of another race, for the person who does so acquires a karma will manifest in due time, and Cosmic Law will charge her for that infraction with pain — she is sure to go through a life where she will receive the same harm done to others, until learning to respect others as children of God, and not because of their appearance.
We are all souls inside a physical body to learn spiritual lessons. In other words, we are here to become proficient in the Universal Laws and to know their scope.
An illness is usually an etheric karma to raise awareness of a necessary physical experience. Quite often it is the result of self physical damage done by a person’s negative psychological and mental creations -somatic disorders. It is not uncommon to see a person with a serious ailment for months or years to purify all of their psychic and spiritual dysfunctions.
Any harm (of any kind) we do to others, sooner or later (like a boomerang) comes back and hits ourselves. This is a Universal Law or the Cosmic Law.
Accidents can be a wake-up call, when the path we are on is dangerous for our spiritual development. God demands us to be vigilant, like a warning, leaving us in a hospital or in our home for a time to think and rectify. If we awaken inwardly and accept our mistakes, we will learn the right path and the difficult lesson will make us better and happier human beings. If not . . . well, . . . perhaps the Cosmic Law will take another hard way to discipline us. Our Divine Plan will be fulfilled anyway.
The leaders have come to this world to experiment with power, a lesson they have to learn, and some are so dumb they think it is because they are so smart. When they are thrown out of power, it is when they realize everything is ephemeral.
They are supposed to come to help their fellow men and implement paths of evolution for themselves and for others. However, some soon take a wrong path of selfishness and greed, trying to keep their agendas from being known in the service of their personal interests, not always within legality.
Humanity has had nefarious leaders, such as Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, etc., who have paid dearly for their sinister plans, also bringing great destruction to Humanity. Can you imagine how these life streams will fare in their next manifestation? I have read some books on this. Some of them they are not even allowed to come back for a long time, being their evolution halted.
There have also been leaders like Washington and Lincoln, who unfortunately do not come every decade to help their country, and the ones who do come, forget the example great men set for them.
As I have already mentioned, in all the stages of Humanity there have been religious or spiritual beliefs at the psychological-mental level of people. There has also existed a priestly caste to be able to apply those doctrines and help people to understand them.
However, priests, pastors, ministers, etc., have been like politicians, and sometimes they have also taken wrong paths of domination, power and aggression, individual or collective, with the story they are invested with special authority, or are the representatives of God on Earth.
In Metaphysics, we know each one is responsible for him/herself, and spiritual knowledge cannot be imposed by force; that is why wars or religious tensions are human aberrations, because God is the same for all.
We are now in an arduous and complex period of accelerated changes, ushering in a wonderful time of peace, prosperity and spiritual evolution. A Golden Age.
Please, let no one understand “prosperity” means to accumulate money, have three yachts and do nothing. No, please. Prosperity means human beings will no longer be materially deprived and will seek through study, work and research to know more and more the secrets of the Universe and ourselves. Quantum Physics will help a lot.
As the Bible says: “Seek the Kingdom of God. The rest will be given to you as well”.
Let us hope this time will come soon.