The Most Important Esoteric Book In The World
We are a miniature Universe.
Today I received a story from a writer friend of mine from Belgrade, Serbia, and she talks about the need to live today as something magical, because even when we overcome a difficult stage of our life, in the end we remember with nostalgia that past time. This does not mean we would like to go back to it, but we appreciate with love what we learned and realize the importance of that episode.
Despite appearances, the world is rapidly accepting what was once the secret or hidden knowledge, the Ageless Wisdom, for at this time even a child would understand what we have believed ourselves to be is ridiculous.
From our idea of God, to where we come from and where we are going, everything has boiled down to the fact we are more or less here by chance, with a series of problems that befall us, because at some point we were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and of which we are the victims. Besides, maybe after we die there is nothing, so . . . what are we doing here? Isn’t there something transcendent?
Given the many years I have been in Esotericism, I firmly believe I am first and foremost a child of God. I am an evolving soul. I have had many lives, in which sometimes I have made mistakes and sometimes I have done the right thing, and therefore I advanced. Otherwise, I would be in discotheques wasting my time, among wisps of smoke, breathing polluted air, listening to eardrum-breaking music and drinking as much alcohol as I could.
However, I cannot go a day without talking to my Divine Presence. Who is my Divine Presence? It is God individualized in me. My Spirit, my Perfect Self, as God created me within His Divine Plan.
According to the books, the souls of Earth were mostly created in the Great Central Sun -say, the heart of our universe, the Origin. That’s where we were taken from when we had to begin manifestation and brought to a super young Terra, which was just beginning its evolution as a planet. I guess it was a little sad to leave our true home, but we cannot advance Creation if we do not have conscious evolution.
Some ask: If God only creates perfection and we are a Perfect Soul, then why do we have to evolve? This is where conscious evolution comes in. The Perfect Soul created by God is also called the Higher Self. No matter the name. Spirit. Perfect Soul, Higher Self, Divine Presence. What I am sure of is that my name and surname in this life are only temporary. The name by which God -He/She- knows me, . . . at my level of development is still unknown to me, albeit I had once a hint.
We have always said the planet we live on is called “Terra”, but for some time now we call her “Gaia”. I think it is because she has reached a level of evolution in which she has transcended some limitations as a celestial body housing life, just as we change jobs or country, because we have to climb to another level of consciousness and we need a challenge.
Human beings, when we can no longer do more and we reach a level from which we cannot pass, then we need to leave the body we have, especially if it is sick, so that we can leave and come back in better conditions to continue with one more stage of our Divine Plan. I feel some discomfort at the thought that if I don’t get to a high enough level, when I come back I will have to go through years of growth and study to reach the knowledge I had, and then start my new cycle. I understand it is a waste of time, but that is what happens to us when we cannot come “direct”, as some special and so evolved beings have done. They do not need to be children or teenagers, but . . . directly adults.
Anyway, . . . to be born, to grow up and to resume the level we had is like that for the common denominator of humans.
There are extraordinary books written by special people, but Medium’s rules must be respected and not recommend anything looks like a promotion or sale. Of course, whoever wants to have more information can send me an email, or search for a defined topic on the Internet to obtain specialized bibliography.
My life has been something so perfectly scheduled, I am surprised myself. Seeing my learning in hindsight, every day I believe more and more in the Divine Plan human beings bring at birth. Does this mean that we are predestined? NO. We are free to do whatever we want, but if we do not follow the Divine Plan we are wasting our time, we will suffer and we will have to return to that point where we deviated by mistake or by will. Then, we will take the right path again.
Let me give you an example: If I want to go from Chicago to Washington, D.C., I have to take the right road. If at some point I decide to take another route -maybe easier, maybe with more attractions — , . . . fine, but that road does not go to Washington; and if there is no other alternative, after many turns and some unpleasant experiences, I will have to go back to the place where I took the wrong direction. It’s not a big deal, but I’ve wasted my time and I’m going to get to Washington later. And what’s worse: the way was not easier, nor did I find any interesting attractions.
Needless to say, there are people who in “going around many turns and through some unpleasant experience” suffer so much and have such tragic or traumatic moments, they never come back to look for “easier routes and with more attractions”.
However, I’m sure we all know someone who has stumbled over the same rock 3 or 4 or more times, and . . . frustrated and bitter, still wonders why things don’t work out the way he or she would like them to.
These are the cases of repeated unconsciousness.
We all have an obligation to seek knowledge to battle unconsciousness and make our lives better. This can only be achieved by looking for True Wisdom.