Our Responsibility With The Planet And With Ourselves
We should change our habits and our lives.
With the situation of the CV19, I often think that one day Mother Earth will be so fed up with us that she will scare us even worse. Possibly, when we least expect it, one day it will change its position and start cleaning this planet from all the physical, psychological and mental garbage our “glorious” civilization has produced so far.
No, it is not possible. She loves us a lot, and is waiting and waiting until most of the people are ready for the next period. In the Bible says: “Many are called, but few are chosen.”. Now this situation changed for “many are called and all are chosen”. Or at least as much as possible. Maybe many things are still unfinished and the change (read “removal of everything it is not going to survive”) will take still time.
It is logic to shake first the floor where humans think are very sure until only what is solid will remain.
Anyway, the CV19 has forced me to reflect about the end of the Fifth Race activity as the center of the civilized world. The Sixth Race is going to be born very soon. Moreover, I think there are already many people who belong to it, at least from the psychological and mental point of view — the physical characteristics will come later.
The possibility of pushing people forward is through changes and suffering until they realize God is asking them to pay attention to the Cosmic Law. That virus has brought economic hardship after the closing of all educational institutions, followed by locales to eat and drink (restaurants, bars, etc.) and entertaining sites such as discos. That is, crowded places; places with many people.
Should we look for a different life style where we have more contact with Nature? I must admit I don’t like living in buildings as I need to place my feet on Mother Earth. Being in a nightclub smelling of alcohol, listening to loud music, and talking to people too close to their faces to be heard is repulsive to me. I prefer a picnic or a party in the park, and only with good friends.
Why do people love crowded, noisy places?
I have reflected about our way of life and entertainment, and I must say perhaps we have to change or we will die. In Europe, once they lifted the 2-month confinement for the CV19 and the hospitals were getting calmer with less and less infected people, people were able to travel to see their loved ones and places of entertainment opened their doors. Great !
What happened next? An astonishing outbreak of CV19 again in different places, albeit not as vicious or serious as before. Researching, it was found the infection took place in discos, restaurants, and entertaining places, and even in family parties.
How is possible that non-infected people joining together, they came to be infected? What Life is telling us?
It came to my mind what I had read some months ago.
About the Coronavirus and the Reason for the Viruses
This is the final 10 minutes of the Conference given by Dr. Thomas Cowan, at the Health and Human Rights Summit in Tucson, Arizona.(It was translated simultaneously into Spanish, but the text I received through Internet was not totally clear at times; it is not possible to hear some words. Anyway it is very logic, and it is a transcription of Dr. Thomas Cowan’s words, and you can see the text is between quotation marks.)
— “Now I have a few minutes left. I wasn’t sure I’d make it this far. Can I tell you something about this Coronavirus? May I?
— “In 1918, after the great pandemic of the Spanish flu (*), Rudolf Steiner was asked what had caused it, and he answered: “Viruses are simply the excretion of an intoxicated cell. When a cell is poisoned it excretes bits of DNA or RNA, or some other protein. When cells are poisoned they try to cleanse themselves by excreting waste. Viruses are NOT the cause of anything. They are waste products of the cells.
(He gives an example regarding the dolphins, which began to die because the water was in bad condition. Diseases are an intoxication. Another example of swamp frogs. Someone threw DDT in the water and the frogs died.)
— “What happened in 1918?
— “Every pandemic in the last 150 years corresponds to a quantum leap in the electrification of the Earth. In the fall of 1917, radio waves were introduced around the world. Six months later the Spanish flu pandemic occurred. (*)
— “When any living being is exposed to a new electro-magnetic field it is poisoned; some die and others enter a kind of inactivity. They may live longer, but they are sick.
— “During the Second World War a new pandemic started with the introduction of radars throughout the Earth, enveloping the Earth with the electro-magnetic fields emitted by radars. It was the first time that human beings were exposed to something like this.
— “In 1988 there was the Hong Kong flu. It was the first time that the protective layer of the Van Hallen Belt, whose function is to integrate the cosmic rays coming from the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, etc.; to integrate all that and to distribute it to all the terrestrial living beings, because satellites that emitted radioactive frequencies were placed in the Van Hallen Belt. After 6 months a new viral epidemic was produced.
— “Why viral? Because the people who were poisoned released toxins similar to the virus. People thought it was a flu epidemic.
— “In 1918 in Boston, the Ministry of Health decided to analyze the contagious nature of an epidemic. Believe it or not, they took hundreds of people who had the flu, extracted the mucus from their noses, and injected them into healthy subjects who did not have the flu. Not once did they manage to make a single one of those healthy subjects sick. They repeated the practice over and over again, but failed to demonstrate contagion.
— “They even did it with horses that supposedly had the Spanish flu. (This can be read in a book called “The Invisible Rainbow” by Arthur Robert Firstenberg (**). He made a chronology of all the stages of electrification of the Earth, and how after about 6 months, a new flu pandemic was occurring worldwide.
— “There is no other explanation. How else could it spread from Kansas to South Africa in 2 weeks, so that all over the world the symptoms would manifest themselves at the same time, despite the fact that the form of transport was by horse and ship? It’s something they couldn’t explain. “We don’t know how it happens” was the conclusion of that test.
— “But if you stop to think about it, all those radio waves and other frequencies which some of you carry in your pocket, or have in your hand, can send a signal to Japan and it comes instantly. So, even if you do not believe that there is an electro-magnetic field interconnecting the world in a few seconds, there is no need to discuss it. It’s a fact that we experience every day.
— “And I will end by adding, that in these last 6 months, there has been another dramatic quantum leap in the electrification of the Earth. I’m sure many of you know what it is, it’s called 5G. There are about 20,000 satellites that are transmitting radiation, like the radiation that is emitted into your pockets or into your hands, and you are using it all the time. That’s not something that’s compatible with health. I am very sorry to say that, but it is not compatible with health.
— “It is a device which destructures water, and if there are those among you who consider that we are not electrical beings, we are only physical matter, then do not bother to pass an electro-cardiogram, or an electro-encephalogram, or a nerve conduction test, because we are electrical beings; and chemicals are nothing but the residues of these electrical impulses.
— “And finally … a riddle. Where is the first city in the world fully covered by the 5G?
— “(People answer) In Wuang. (where the CV19 started.)
— “So, when we begin to think about all this, we are in an existential crisis here and now of such magnitude that human beings have never seen. And I’m not going to play the role of an Old Testament prophet, but this is unprecedented. The putting into orbit of thousands of satellites in the Earth’s own protective layer, and . . . -by the way, as I wanted to say before, this is related to vaccines.
— “This concerns me, because a year ago I had a patient in good shape, who practiced surfing; he was an electronic technician, who installed systems . . . (not understood) for very rich people. This profession has a high mortality rate, but in spite of everything, he was fine. But one day he broke his arm, and they had to put a metal plate in it. Three (3) months later, he could not get out of bed; he had arrhythmia and total exhaustion.
— “Our functional stability depends on the amount of metal we have in our body, as well as the quality of the water in our cells. Therefore, if they start injecting aluminum into people they become receptors, and they absorb in an amplified way the electro-magnetic fields, and this is a perfect chaos, which can explain the kind of ailments our species is currently experiencing.
— “I want to end with a quote from Rudolf Steiner. In 1917… it was a different time. “In the time when there was no electric current, when the air was not subjected to electric influence (we are talking about 1917), it was easier to be human. For this reason, in order to be fully human today, it is necessary to develop much stronger spiritual capacities than were necessary a century ago”.
— “Thus, I advise you to develop your spiritual capacities, because it is truly difficult to be a human being in our days. Thank you for listening.””
(Loud applause.) End of Dr. Thomas Cowan’s lecture.
I hope, dear readers, everyone will draw their own conclusions, after reading what a well-known scientist says.
Although I love modern technology, I think we have forgotten that Mother Earth is a living being and so are we, and therefore Humanity has to find a way forward that does not kill us when we develop new technologies.
I sincerely think I am going to be very slow to accept 5G.
(*) and (**) are my explanations.
(*) It is not very well known why it was called “Spanish flu”, because it was generated in France. During the First World War, and in the Second World War as well, Spain was neutral and therefore was not part of those wars. Anyway, the “Spanish Flu” infected about 500 millions worldwide and it had four waves during 2 years. Between 20 to 50 millions people died (rough numbers ). Almost 700,000 were Americans.)
(**) Arthur Robert Firstenberg (born May 28, 1950) is an American author and activist on the subject of electromagnetic radiation and health. He is the founder of the independent campaign group the Cellular Phone Task Force. His 1997 book “Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution” was published by the group. He is the author of “The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity”.