Life Is Getting Too Fast.
Time doesn’t run, it flies.
I am horrified to see my last story was published on October 15. Unbelievable, how time flies!
It overwhelms me I don’t have that much time to write. I am totally busy with things require my attention and learning, such as starting a small business on the Internet to write, translate and correct texts, both in Spanish and English.
This business did come to me without thinking about it. Since I was educated in England, I still have some friends’ sons and daughters who are at University or already working, but they write articles in professional journals or are developing their master’s or PhD theses, and do not have time to proofread what they have written.
That’s where I come in. They send me their papers for me to proofread for grammar, punctuation, spacing, capitalization, etc. Since they know I’m a complete crazy of written things and don’t allow my students even one point out of place, they give me the work because they trust me. It’s another way to get additional income, and besides, I love doing this work for these young people — well, some of them are already reaching 40, which is normal when you have enough experience in a career and you want to make a professional leap.
It’s said very quickly about registering a small business, but last time I went to Chicago City Hall I spent 3 hours while I filled out forms, answered a bunch of questions, paid my license fee, and waited for them to print my paperwork. I understand this “work at home” thing is very generic and the city authorities have to be convinced of what a person is going to do, with similar but different questions, repetition, etc., because an individual can use their home for prostitution or selling drugs, trading with a lot of dangerous substances, etc., etc., etc., or any illicit activity disguised as “Internet work at home”.
So, very patiently, I took the formalities with a lot of philosophy and answered everything with the truth and with my reality — I do not live in a rented apartment in a building, nor in a personal property, but in an excellent European family’s home who rents me an area of their house, and from which I would not move for anything in the world. I live alone, but with someone around me. Sounds strange, doesn’t it?
Anyway, I have already registered my small business and have the license with me. I also finished my web site. Normal, isn’t it? I guess so . . . for people who know how to move in that IT world, but I feel all this has happened to me during the year 2021, has been very slow and with great learning challenges.
After all, during the fateful year 2020, nothing negative happened to me. I got through it without incident and in very good health. I did get vaccinated very early and almost unintentionally, taking away my worries about the possibility of contagion. Although my financial situation suffered due to the closure of Education, and my small educational business was greatly reduced, I can’t remember anything totally negative, although of course it was when I conceived the possibility of diversifying my economy. God Mother-Father, where to start?
God always answers us when we ask Him/Her in faith to direct our lives. The year 2021 started with a proofreading job for a PhD in Chemical Sciences in England, and since then I have been getting jobs like this. It is a break from the routine of my classes, and I enjoy it very much. Anyway, being a work where money is charged, it must be registered.
This situation has taken me out of my comfort zone, which I hate it, because I don’t have as much time as I would like for my esoteric books or to write more. Given the experience I have in teaching Spanish as a second (or foreign) language, I think I could do it in my sleep. So, breaking the routine and doing different linguistic work I feel gives me vitality. And I always learn something new, be it new words or finding similarities and differences between Spanish and English.
In this year 2021, I have also decided to write a textbook for my students and for the future, because I have found many flaws in the texts I have used. Perhaps since I have not had children, I will leave behind me a good book.
Dear friends and readers, I will go back to writing about esotericism as soon as I start my little linguistic business and I can have peace as I had before cv19 to read a book a week. This damn bug has changed all our lives in one way or another.
For your information, I am reading -slower than a paralytic turtle- a book about the mission of Jeshua (Jesus) and his twin ray Mary Magdalene. The Catholic Church did not do Mary a favor by portraying her as a woman without morals, but it doesn’t matter, because they did their job very well and she also ascended a few years after Jeshua and is an Ascended Master as well.
In addition, all the Ascended Masters are working very actively in their respective rays and missions, almost always through one or more disciples who serve him as his channel. Objective: to increase the spiritual level of Humanity, awakening their consciousness.
Jeshua and Mary Magdalene’s mission is to push women to their maximum development in all their capacities. The Aquarian Age is feminine, and human beings have to balance the mind and the heart, although the center is and will always be the heart, where our Higher Self is anchored.
For all this, I urge myself to put my business on autopilot as soon as possible and work only part time to advance in my spiritual development, which in the end is the only thing that counts and the best luggage we can take with us when we pass to the fourth dimension.
See you soon. Wish me luck. Thank you.