Hi, Mark!
Thank you very much for following me in Medium. I really appreciate it.
I read this story about the war in Ukrania and I can tell you I think is superb. The objective fact is that Russia is in a very difficult situation, as the USA are not going to allow Putin gets his aims.
But, eventually, when a war starts, it is difficult to know how it is going to end.
I have read a lot of History, Only imagine the II World War. Hitler never imagined that because of the holocaust of Jews, they got statehood in Palestine. Maybe Putin's hysteria with Ukrania can backfire on him, and Ukrainians can get --God allows it!-- total independence from Russia and enter the EU and NATO. You know some countries want to belong to NATO after the Russian invasion. Incredible.
Well, I plan to go on reading your work, so I follow you in Medium as well. I like your craft.
thank you so much again. ALL the BEST. Louisa.
We never know god's will.