Hi, Maria!
I really enjoyed this story. It is true that when we are afraid of flying, the fear is inside ourselves it has nothing to do with aviation safety.
I have travelled a lot, but usually I am tense when flying; and the longer a flight is the tenser. That long transatlantic flights are terrible. And we haven't had new capabilities or discoveries for a long time. It seems Civil Aviation is stagnated.
I never flew the Concord aircraft, and sadly it was discontinued. I think flying 3 hours Madrid-New York is wonderful, and I am looking forward to having this kind of flights. For the moment, nothing is new.
Thank you so much for this beautiful story. I never miss one of yours, albeit not always I remember to answer you.
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022 to you and your marvelous family.
Eventually I registered my individual business and started earning money in Medium. My goal this year is to be more productive ($) in my writing side hustle, though I know it will be little by little. Believe it or not, this month - my first payment! - I earned $0.04.
I called my relatives and friends to tell them I am a paid Writer now. (I was so happy to begin having money at the beginning of the year.) Smile :) Crazy, isn't it?
The second goal is to find a kind of Medium but in Spanish. I hope to come across something and start publishing in Spanish what I wrote in Medium. Let's see what this year brings.
Again, dear friend, I wish you ALL the BEST. Louisa.