Hi, Byron!
Wonderful article! It is 100 percent true.
Both here in America or in Spain or in Germany or wherever I have friends, they think like you. Of course, I think like you as well, but History has taught me our civilization is reaching a level we can not go any further. When ALL values seem to me disappear, manipulated, you name it, it is because we are entering a kind of middle age or intermediate age, where things not necessary for the new civilization will collapse and disappear; but of course, other situations are being created in front of our eyes, some of them not even noticed by many.
Yesterday I was surprised by how educational institutions reprimand students who want to excel, because "we should help others". It seems they are not interested in intelligent people. I was very angry about this. The level of education in the world is lowering. Horrible.
I describe myself as a "highly educated hippe". I love Education, but not to be dressed in a pantsuit and a briefcase like a businesswoman thinking about money, but more than a free intellectual. As you can imagine, living in a Communist or right-wing ideology will be death for me. Freedom is very important.
The world is now in a "dictator mode" --that is, presidents who want to stay forever, ruling about what is convenient for them, and doing what they want. Ufff ! , but all is sinister force. The esoteric books say it will be totally obliterated. I believe so, but to be destroyed it should be "out".
In the end, all rubbish disappears and a new cycle starts. History is like this. So, my friend, BE PATIENT and live happily.
ALL the BEST to you. Louisa.