Hi, Byron!
I am still laughing about your experience from Bahrein to Saudi. He, he, he! If you go on saying "dump of a country ", very likely you won't be allowed to enter again --maybe you don't have any intention whatsoever of putting a foot there anyway!!
In these cases, we realize how Politics is. Saudi Arabia ideology and religion has nothing to do with America's, but still, they are partners, but Russia being a European country is an enemy and it cannot be civilized enough to be a real European ally. The fight now is a Democracy/Constitution/Freedom system where a person decides what they want to do in life, in opposition to Dictatorship/Authoritarian system and obedient people. Dictators should leave this planet forever.
Those regimes are suffocating. I couldn't live in such a place far less being a woman.
It is an excellent story, friend. Congrats!!
ALL the BEST. Louisa.