Hi, Byron !
You are absolutely right ! Many people should know about Ginseng's positive effects. I can tell you that what you say is TRUE --albeit I have never checked a raise in my libido.
I don't take Ginseng regularly, because I don't have any ailment,, but I live in Chicago and the winters were horrible. Still is very rare I catch a cold. At my age --very similar to yours-- I don't have real ailments or take medication. But, I take ginseng tea in the afternoons . . . when I remember and I am at home.
So, your story has been wonderful for many people. Nature has everything to heal our physical bodies, but many people prefer chemicals. Pity!! It is good for pharmaceuticals but not for a healthy body.
Well, we have GINSENG., Thank you so much for your wonderful story. As always, it is very well crafted. Yes, you write more with your emotions, and it is OK.
I wish you ALL the BEST. Louisa.