Hi, Byron!
Maybe you are exaggerating the situation. England will have a future, albeit not a future you would like it. But each century brings new situations not everybody likes. Now America is not the America I lived in the second part last century. We were evolving, but now I feel we are stagnated. Politicians were more honest, and now they are like vipers.
I congratulate you on your wonderful craft, as always, but it is obvious you are very angry.
My humble opinion is you are taking life too seriously.
Try to do what you feel is correct and disconnect your mind from what doesn't depend on you. It is important you keep your inner harmony and not criticize all the existing rubbish politicians, whether they are English or any other nationality.
When I am frustrated with the world situation, I try to be near God. Eventually, this difficult period of transformation will open the way to a Golden Age. Only see which was the future after the II World War and be at peace.
Anyway, my friend, you write wonderfully. ALL the BEST for you. Louisa.