He, Byron!
Your are absolutely RIGHT. Here and there we have the same problem: an ambitious man wants to control the country and be something like "the King". He has been friending for all the dictators in the world, against our Constitution and against the American ideology.
But my friend, if all the dictators should disappear from the world, they must be visible to see them and vote against them. Otherwise, they will last forever. And this is the moment.
I never thought both England and America will be in this condition, "praising dictators" who want the power, when some years ago it was unthinkable these attacks to our sacred institutions.
I think GOD Father-Mother is at the steering wheel of the Word, and soon we will see changes.
Let's have FAITH. ALL the BEST for you, dear Byron, and try to be at peace in this difficult hour. Louisa.
Anyway, it is horrible to say, but all the countries are the same; it seems something inside has changed and all of them are manifesting the dirtiest part of themselves.