Abortion — Is It Really A Murder?

Louisa Oliveros
5 min readMay 30, 2021


What some esoteric books say.

Books, books, with Wisdom. Photo by Charl Folscher on Unsplash

I was reading the news on the Internet, passing pictures with appealing written headlines, I guess to incite people to read the whole article as well.

My attention was drawn to a photo of a group of people on the steps of the Supreme Court building, almost all women, with written messages and in an attitude of open protest or assertion. What attracted me most was a banner saying: “Take care of your own uterus”. Of course there was something being discussed about abortion, and I read the whole article to know what people think, although I already have my own convictions, after many years in the esoteric world.

The radicalism existing on this issue, both in the United States and in many democratic countries, is impressive. Super-liberals advocate a law allows a woman to decide freely whether or not to continue her pregnancy at any time and circumstances. On the contrary, super-conservatives consider there is “life” from the moment of conception and it is murder to resort to abortion, even at 15 days. Each one exposes their reasons and what they consider logical, which depends on their religious beliefs or the social cultural traditions within the environment where they were born and raised.

Both women and men should avoid adopting extreme stances. Maybe each one has some reason, but in the end, they are just . . . opinions. To me, it has always made me very angry when men jump in to analyze what women should do in these cases. Are they pregnant? That’s when I would scream, “Mind your own business.”

Why do they consider women’s bodies should be “legislated”? Have they ever thought how it would help women -including their wives- if after a couple of children, they would have a vasectomy and thus stop thinking about contraceptives for the rest of their lives? Wonderful, but they don’t even think about it! However, in Europe it is more normal, just as women have almost no problem to interrupt their pregnancy.

There is an indisputable reality: the more women’s freedom is limited in a society, the less access they have to abortion; and if they can somehow get it, they will never talk about it and feel guilty for religious reasons. At the other extreme, there are nations where a woman, without a second thought, will easily have an abortion. As a general rule, countries with communist systems allow abortion without restrictions and is considered a very normal practice.

I do not agree with either one or the other. Each woman knows the life she is living and what is convenient for her at that moment, and if having a child is not what she wants, I think she should have the freedom to make decisions. Now then, taking abortion lightly -we must not forget it is an operation of general anesthesia-, is a custom can take a karmic toll and have harmful effects on women’s health.

Due to all the esoteric books I have read, I have been learning an idea about how to act.

Before commenting on what I have understood about this subject, let’s be clear that the female menstrual cycle is not monthly, but every 28 days, because it is governed by the Moon; therefore, the normal human pregnancy is not 9 months, but 9 moons.

The formation of the body of a human being goes through different evolutionary stages, and in the Roman Empire this was known:

1.The first moon is purely mineral. Minerals have “life” (1), and geologists know this very well. Human beings disintegrate minerals on many occasions and do not feel guilty. So, they say, why feel guilty if we eliminate a mineral lump?

2.The second moon is vegetable. A chard, a tomato, a cabbage growing in an orchard, doesn’t it have “life”? Of course it does! And no one feels bad when we pluck them out to put them on the table and to feed us.

3.The third moon is animal. We have all studied in High School mammal fetuses are all the same at the beginning, including the human fetus. I am a vegetarian, but those who eat meat do not show any guilty feeling about eating a steak of beef, goat, pork or any other mammal.

We also study that at the end of the third moon, differentiation begins in the human fetus. Ah, ah! Here it is necessary to pay attention! It has always been said an abortion is not good “after the third month”, but no one has said why, maybe because nobody knew. Something intuitive?

4.The fourth moon is already human. Women often say that as they approach the end of the third month they feel more energy and “butterflies” moving in their belly. I have read this is the moment when the soul embodies and therefore differentiation begins. Well, well, that is logic. From the moment the soul comes down -that is, enters into what is going to be its physical body, any attempt against that human body is truly a murder, because it is now a human being.

5. From the fourth to the ninth moon, all human and spiritual attributes are incorporated, everything can be unfolded from the DNA, depending on the evolution of the embodied soul.

In other words, at the moment the soul takes root, that process of growth is a divine miracle, and the woman allowing her body to be a laboratory at the service of another being, is cooperating with God in the materialization of that miracle.

For all I have said, I cannot agree with indiscriminate abortion. NO. It is only acceptable if it is done in the first two moons; that is, not even during the third, because nobody can know the exact day the soul embodies. The earlier the better. We cannot take karmic risks killing a human being.

Having made this clear, we women should not allow any legislation prevent us from making decisions about our lives, and that the patriarchal and toxic system forces us to give birth to a child we do not want, if at that moment we have other plans.

Both men and women must learn to have more responsibility and more awareness with our physical body, and not use sex -the energy of Creation manifested in the material part of a human being- to create negative karma for themselves.

All humans should look for the right wisdom and not to walk through life unknowingly about what it is right or wrong for their evolution.

(1) Let’s understand “life” as the possibility of development and evolution. The Universe is alive, in ongoing movement, and also everything inside it at different levels.



Louisa Oliveros
Louisa Oliveros

Written by Louisa Oliveros

Bilingual English-Spanish Teacher, Content Writer, Translator, and Proofreader. Solopreneur. louisa.free@outlook.com

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